Saturday, April 4, 2009

A tiring day

Wow~! Today is a tiring day. I had two tuitions in a day. I woke up early for my British Council tuition and we have a new sitting arrangement because Ms. Sandra thinks that the class ( especially Sin Yee, Wyonana and me) are always very quiet during group and class discussions. I was the only girl in the group ( gasp!) while I was hoping that I won't be the only girl. Today is one of the worst lessons at British Council. When I reached home, I attempted some of the questions in the Chem workbook before Carmen comes. Beatrix went to Australia for a holiday and her BFF, Carmen, took over the tuition class when she's away. Covered both Chem and Physics today. After tuition, I did my Social Studies and A Maths homework. After dinner, I revised History on the part about USSR (Russia). I am going to go for a revision marathon tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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